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Can you have emoji's in URLs?

Can you have emoji's in URLs?

Can emoji's be used in URLs, page titles and meta data? 🤔😂😂
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Blog Post
Mediator Design Pattern for CMS builds

Mediator Design Pattern for CMS builds

My approach to dynamic CMS content using Mediatr (and Automapper)
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Blog Post
Generating testable content in Episerver

Generating testable content in Episerver

A simple episerver project with a couple of basic page types to show how an Initializable Module can be used to generate pages that QA and UAT teams can use during their testing/sign off process. I have used Bogus and Waffle to generate realistic content, the Faker classes can be found in the business module along with the module.
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Blog Post
My go-to nuget packages

My go-to nuget packages

A categorised list of nuget packages that I tend to use in most projects. Covers data access, business logic, and presentation packages.
3 Minute Read
Blog Post
Episerver - Initial thoughts

Episerver - Initial thoughts

After primarily working with SDL Tridion for the past 5 years (along with Contentful) and prior to that Umbraco. I have recently started working with Episerver, and I wanted to give my initial thoughts on it. After starting the training/certification I noticed some really nice features such as the code first approach and InitializableModule.
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Blog Post
C# 9.0 - Blurring the lines between object oriented programming and functional programming

C# 9.0 - Blurring the lines between object oriented programming and functional programming

There are two basic types of programming languages, object-oriented and functional, what happens with these worlds collide?
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Blog Post
Sitemap Driven Load Test

Sitemap Driven Load Test

A nice script I put together to do load testing based on the contents of a sitemap.
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Blog Post
SDL Topology Generator

SDL Topology Generator

My solution to the writing SDL Web Topology Powershell scripts
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Optimizely on Aspire Demo

Optimizely on Aspire Demo

This project is very basic and is more focussed on using Aspire with Optimizely.
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T-Shirts made using GPT, Printify and listed on Etsy
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Code Katas

Code Katas

Code Kata's completed as part of DEPT® Tech Days
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Blazor gRPC Image Search

Blazor gRPC Image Search

I wanted to better understand Blazor and gRPC, so quickly knocked this together, it doesn't do anything fancy, but I got Blazor loading in from a gRPC stream endpoint and all setup with .proto files.
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